1.   After they failed to find their intended victim, they embarked on an indiscriminate anti-foreigner rampage.

2.   Could his intended victim have somehow guessed, from an unguarded look perhaps, that he had been Marked for death?

3.   Eloise was capable of what almost amounted to mesmerism, so thoroughly did she take in her intended victims.

4.   However, seeing their intended victim was not present, they changed the name on their warrant and arrested Mr. Seddon instead!

5.   Recovering his balance with uncanny speed, he snarled and launched himself after the still tumbling figure of his intended victim.

6.   Satisfied his intended victim was asleep, he gripped the door handle and turned it slowly.

7.   The Fat Controller was sitting Ciceronian amongst the mob, and his intended victim was squeaking with the rest.

8.   This cowardly and servile Nizan-Pluvinage was ready to lick the dust to Deceive the intended victims of his spying.

9.   Was the call-girl the intended victim?

10.   ...the intended victim of his expansionist foreign policy.

a. + victim >>共 802
the 10.33%
alleged 4.50%
latest 4.36%
first 3.45%
innocent 3.23%
fallen 1.86%
shooting 1.74%
bombing 1.70%
other 1.63%
potential 1.60%
intended 1.23%
intended + n. >>共 270
target 20.92%
victim 7.61%
recipient 6.41%
destination 5.31%
effect 4.60%
purpose 4.20%
audience 4.10%
receiver 3.10%
use 2.20%
beneficiary 1.90%
每页显示:    共 76