1.   Beautiful graphics, intelligent design, a compelling plot line and superbly timed action take this far beyond the standard shooter fare.

2.   But advocates of intelligent design, who are sometimes devout Christians, say they do not necessarily presume the designer is God.

3.   Dembski and Behe are fellows of the Discovery Institute, the Seattle research institute that promotes intelligent design in its Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture.

4.   He said the overwhelming number of scientists backed evolution as the underpinning of biology and did not accept arguments put forth by advocates of intelligent design.

5.   He said the ACLU was prepared to move if the Pratt or Skyline districts added intelligent design.

6.   In a feisty and somewhat quixotic way, the intelligent design crowd is like a kickboxer challenging a microscope to a fight.

7.   In contrast to the biblical literalism of creationists, proponents of intelligent design acknowledge that the earth is billions of years old and that organisms evolve over time.

8.   In recent months, the proponents of intelligent design have advanced their case on several fronts.

9.   Intelligent design suggests that life is too complex to have occurred by chance and that it is more likely the result of an intelligent cause.

10.   Intelligent design never made it into the ring.

a. + design >>共 1313
new 7.18%
graphic 2.54%
original 2.12%
good 1.44%
industrial 1.42%
computer-aided 1.36%
modern 1.26%
basic 1.12%
different 1.12%
final 1.10%
intelligent 0.37%
intelligent + n. >>共 355
life 7.50%
people 6.94%
man 4.37%
woman 2.80%
question 2.35%
decision 2.35%
design 2.13%
agent 1.79%
person 1.46%
choice 1.34%
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