1.   Charges for the surgery at Columbia vary depending on the insurance plan.

2.   My insurance plan covers one complete physical per year.

3.   The guide is written to assist consumers in choosing the best insurance plan.

4.   The plans are a variation on an earlier form of PEPs which restricted investors to bonds and insurance plans.

5.   This insurance plan offers your family financial security in the event of your death.

6.   Workers are free to choose from a wide variety of insurance plans.

7.   And although that might be great news for consumers, all those prescriptions for pills are causing financial headaches for insurance plans.

8.   An employee often has a choice of what type of insurance plan to join, Towsley says.

9.   And consumers should clearly understand the service and cost of each insurance plan before they sign on the dotted line.

10.   And her insurance plan, unlike many others, would cover the cost of the treatment.

a. + plan >>共 989
new 5.97%
immediate 3.68%
contingency 3.24%
restructuring 2.80%
economic 1.98%
republican 1.92%
such 1.78%
original 1.74%
ambitious 1.74%
spending 1.60%
insurance 1.19%
insurance + n. >>共 318
company 35.89%
industry 5.70%
coverage 3.07%
premium 3.05%
agent 2.51%
business 2.26%
plan 1.99%
market 1.83%
claim 1.75%
rate 1.48%
每页显示:    共 234