1.   No one insults my family and gets away with it!

2.   Nobody insults my family and gets away with it!

3.   But conservatives say such language would insult the families of Japanese who died in the war.

4.   Hawks say an apology would insult the families of Japanese soldiers who died in World War II believing they were fighting for a noble cause.

5.   Liberal Democratic legislators say an apology would insult the families of Japanese who died in the war.

v. + family >>共 1033
have 5.85%
support 4.00%
visit 3.07%
raise 2.98%
help 2.86%
move 2.62%
take 2.25%
start 1.84%
bring 1.77%
see 1.76%
insult 0.05%
insult + n. >>共 127
intelligence 9.56%
president 8.87%
referee 5.80%
people 3.75%
military 3.41%
government 3.07%
aide 2.05%
authority 2.05%
family 1.71%
army 1.71%
每页显示:    共 5