1.   But whichever way you install these programs into Windows, you can adjust the name or icon using File Properties.

2.   For details on how to install the program, see the instructions on the right.

3.   Installing the program is relatively straightforward.

4.   Installing the program on your computer is a breeze.

5.   Is that program installed on your computer?

6.   Many stores now have popular programs installed on computers, where parents can try them before buying.

7.   An outboard CD-ROM player, at extra cost, will be virtually mandatory for installing programs.

8.   And several congressional attempts to require schools to install filter programs failed to pass in the last session.

9.   Big companies tend to wait several months until defects in major software products are discovered and fixed before spending the money to install the programs.

10.   Body Works allows the user to block out these discussions and illustrations when the program is being installed.

v. + program >>共 784
have 2.94%
run 2.91%
use 2.30%
develop 2.22%
expand 2.09%
create 1.84%
start 1.71%
offer 1.54%
support 1.53%
fund 1.34%
install 0.65%
install + n. >>共 997
system 5.45%
software 4.43%
equipment 4.18%
camera 2.90%
device 2.13%
program 2.04%
line 1.65%
detector 1.37%
government 1.35%
technology 1.18%
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