1.   Among other activities, they consider solitary prayer, buying inspirational books and searching for meaning in daily life by reevaluating and changing priorities.

2.   Crown publishes fiction and non-fiction books, including inspirational books, illustrated lifestyle books, cookbooks, gift books and language study guides.

3.   Nelson, traditionally a publisher of inspirational books, is trying to broaden its scope, Vitti says.

4.   Now a lawyer and a priestess of the Yoruba religion, which originated in Nigeria, Vanzant writes inspirational books intended primarily for black women.

5.   That simple formula has transformed the way people are reading inspirational books.

6.   They expect to sell and advertise inspirational books, tapes, videos, and CDs as well as holistic health products and trips with a religious theme.

7.   Evans, who in recent years has written inspirational books and is host of a religious network talk show, could not attend the ceremony because of health reasons.

8.   More recently, she has authored a number of inspirational books and is the host of a Trinity Broadcast Network talk show.

9.   She has also written dozens of inspirational books and hosts a cable television talk show on the Trinity Broadcast Network.

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