1.   A pin was inserted to stabilize the ligament, and scar tissue from the previous injury had to be cleared.

2.   A screw was inserted to stabilize the bone he broke last Saturday in Philadelphia.

3.   A pin was inserted to stabilize the joint.

4.   A silver rod and pin were inserted to stabilize the leg, which was placed in a hip-to-heel cast.

5.   He had three operations in Neptune, she said, with rods placed in his back and plates and screws inserted to stabilize his ankles.

6.   He broke his left front cannon bone and had three screws inserted to stabilize the leg.

v. + stabilize >>共 22
work 23.53%
use 22.35%
cooperate 8.24%
insert 8.24%
do 4.71%
intervene 4.71%
trading 4.71%
impose 3.53%
act 2.35%
add 2.35%
insert + v. >>共 47
stabilize 11.11%
help 6.35%
keep 4.76%
compensate 3.17%
give 3.17%
make 3.17%
repair 3.17%
stop 3.17%
be 1.59%
benefit 1.59%
每页显示:    共 7