1.   In some cases, seeing someone drink on TV may create the same insatiable craving for alcohol that actually taking one drink does.

2.   Not every overweight person has an uncontrollable appetite or insatiable cravings.

3.   The assistant should be discussed in terms of the responsibilities of her position, and not in terms of what you may regard as her insatiable craving for power.

4.   To many dog owners, pit bulls are beloved family pets, guilty, if anything, of an insatiable craving for affection and an over-eagerness to please.

a. + craving >>共 69
intense 6.45%
sudden 6.45%
chocolate 5.38%
insatiable 4.30%
deep 2.15%
national 2.15%
japanese 2.15%
quiet 2.15%
same 2.15%
sexual 2.15%
insatiable + n. >>共 62
appetite 31.17%
demand 10.39%
desire 7.36%
need 7.36%
curiosity 5.19%
hunger 4.33%
thirst 3.90%
lust 2.60%
craving 1.73%
urge 1.30%
每页显示:    共 4