1.   The first inquest verdict was later quashed by the Court of Appeal.

2.   Inquest verdict on boy killed by ski-lift.

3.   Inquest verdict after three die in coach crash.

4.   The High Court will hold a judicial review to see if the inquest verdicts can be overturned.

5.   They subsequently won the right to start moves to have the inquest verdict quashed and to have a judicial review.

6.   The Hillsborough Families Support Group believe new evidence raises doubts about the inquest verdict and the decision not to prosecute anyone.

n. + verdict >>共 105
jury 26.34%
court 17.13%
murder 4.71%
majority 4.07%
split 3.85%
manslaughter 3.43%
death 3.00%
trial 2.57%
suicide 1.71%
inquest 1.50%
inquest + n. >>共 9
jury 62.75%
verdict 13.73%
report 9.80%
hearing 3.92%
docket 1.96%
observer 1.96%
proceeding 1.96%
result 1.96%
start 1.96%
每页显示:    共 7