1.   Distillery, beset by injuries to key players, had another shock.

2.   His career has been beset by injuries that have sharply reduced his playing time.

3.   McGwire is back in the spotlight after being beset by injuries, primarily to his back and both feet.

4.   The heretofore stranger to the training room has been beset by injuries since camp.

5.   The team has been beset by injuries for much of the season.

6.   Their roster has been beset by injuries and liberally sprinkled with CBA players.

7.   This year, the offense, beset by injuries, has sputtered.

8.   Unless, that is, a team is beset by injuries or foul trouble.

9.   With the exception of offensive tackle Jumbo Elliott and center Brian Williams, who have had outstanding seasons, the line has been beset by injuries.

10.   Beset by injury, Karlsruhe was missing eight players for the match.

n. + beset >>共 108
problem 14.87%
injury 10.26%
allegation 3.08%
difficulty 2.56%
infighting 2.56%
violence 2.56%
trouble 2.05%
turmoil 2.05%
dispute 1.54%
controversy 1.54%
injury + v. >>共 391
be 37.77%
occur 4.36%
force 3.85%
keep 2.58%
sideline 2.10%
plague 1.87%
come 1.73%
hamper 1.66%
cause 1.45%
prevent 1.43%
beset 0.35%
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