1.   Hence, the recourse to alcohol or other drugs, which is commonly featured in initiation rites around the world.

2.   Lois was tempted to ask the young man if he thought she had undergone an initiation rite.

3.   Spirit baptism was not just an initiation rite, it was a mystical encounter.

4.   The Batak chieftains perform the traditional initiation rite.

5.   This will be a new experience for Mr Major, the last and hardest of his political initiation rites.

6.   Your initiation rites do not conceal your destitution.

7.   And the men at Delta Chi hired strippers to augment their ancient initiation rites.

8.   And without the guidance and input of adults, children invent initiation rites that use abuse and humiliation as a means of proving loyalty and self-worth.

9.   Around the same time, the cult began to dispense LSD as part of so-called initiation rites.

10.   Despite the ban on hazing, he said, the school newspaper consistently runs editorials in objection, saying that initiation rites build team unity.

n. + rite >>共 45
funeral 30.12%
initiation 26.51%
fertility 3.01%
purification 3.01%
circumcision 2.41%
marriage 2.41%
spring 2.41%
exorcism 1.81%
canonization 1.81%
memorial 1.81%
initiation + n. >>共 28
rite 33.85%
ceremony 20.77%
fee 9.23%
ritual 6.92%
school 4.62%
hut 2.31%
period 2.31%
process 2.31%
program 1.54%
raid 1.54%
每页显示:    共 44