1.   Initial indications are that the basic rocks responsible for the gravity anomaly are more extensive than originally mapped.

2.   The initial indication was, in all cases, CBD stricture associated with at least persistent cholestasis.

3.   Analysts said they expected stock prices to continue moving in a narrow range this week as investors awaited some initial indications of inflation in August.

4.   Bush said Thursday that contrary to initial White House indications, the plan might be open to nations other than Mexico.

5.   Growers said it was too soon to know how much their crops were damaged, but said initial indications were good.

6.   He said the initial indications were that U.S. forces were meeting no resistance as they arrived.

7.   If initial indications are accurate, some players may not even wait to discover they are unemployed to seek jobs in the United League.

8.   In the defense ministry, initial indications were that Netanyahu intended to offer it to Yitzhak Mordechai, a recently retired general who was popular as Northern Commander.

9.   Initial indications are that these skeletons indeed have many of the same facial features and other characteristics that first made Luzia stand out.

10.   Initial indications suggest that the main aim of the kidnapping was extortion, not religious persecution.

a. + indication >>共 238
immediate 16.77%
early 11.58%
first 10.00%
clear 9.00%
strong 5.43%
good 3.33%
latest 3.19%
initial 2.81%
further 2.43%
preliminary 2.10%
initial + n. >>共 921
report 7.36%
reaction 2.37%
investigation 2.07%
offering 2.00%
result 1.90%
test 1.73%
stage 1.39%
investment 1.10%
response 1.03%
claim 0.99%
indication 0.51%
每页显示:    共 59