1.   Even if suspected leakers are indicted, they can argue in court that the information does not warrant secrecy.

2.   I thought this information warranted sterner admonitions.

3.   On Tuesday, Atlanta detectives said they were gathering information for murder warrants on at least two more men who were with Lewis in the limousine.

4.   But he said the information warranted the decision.

n. + warrant >>共 166
situation 8.62%
evidence 7.83%
condition 6.79%
arrest 5.22%
circumstance 3.66%
case 3.13%
development 2.61%
event 1.83%
prospect 1.83%
problem 1.57%
information 1.04%
information + v. >>共 440
be 54.48%
come 6.34%
help 1.97%
have 1.67%
become 1.67%
lead 1.06%
include 1.06%
indicate 0.87%
go 0.76%
provide 0.74%
warrant 0.09%
每页显示:    共 4