1.   Second, the information society leads to a flattening of hierarchies.

2.   For instance, does the emergence of the information society mean more leisure?

3.   In an information society, this model of education works far less well than it once did.

4.   It is the information society.

5.   Rexrodt was speaking at a briefing on a government report on progress toward an information society.

6.   The key to whether Latinos will enjoy the benefits of the new information society is full and equal access to this technology.

7.   The scarcity of books in the hallways today shows how alienated the students have become from the tools they need to survive in the information society.

8.   The U.S. and Europe remain far ahead in coming up with the information services, movies, music and interactive applications that are the basis of the information society.

9.   The United States is shifting from an industrial society to an information society.

10.   This is a country that prides itself on its democracy and talks of using computers and the Internet to turn itself into an information society.

n. + society >>共 306
consumer 5.29%
admiration 4.81%
law 3.85%
information 3.53%
cancer 3.04%
film 1.76%
hunter-gatherer 1.60%
high-tech 1.12%
opportunity 0.96%
benefit 0.96%
information + n. >>共 678
technology 12.91%
service 5.79%
system 5.49%
age 3.74%
superhighway 3.66%
minister 3.59%
highway 2.40%
officer 2.29%
center 2.19%
company 1.98%
society 0.33%
每页显示:    共 22