1.   At some stage, informal contacts can be very effective.

2.   Ceremony was effectively combined with informal contact.

3.   Contacts between the area staff and the students were not limited to formal classroom work and occasional formally ordained informal contact.

4.   One company, however, had several informal contacts in universities and these contacts would pass on relevant papers and reports.

5.   The other side of press management, depending on informal contacts, is less easy to assess.

6.   Communication of research in progress is largely a matter of informal international personal contacts, rather than through publication of lists of completed theses.

7.   Thus completed theses on Scottish geology are borrowed by BGS through BLDSC as soon as their existence is made known through published sources and informal contacts.

8.   And their informal contact with the king on such occasions was basic to the whole process of government.

9.   Although the Jets denied they had contacted Hadhazy or plan to, there were reports saying informal contact had been made.

a. + contact >>共 698
direct 7.67%
close 6.58%
official 3.21%
first 3.13%
physical 3.10%
regular 2.98%
personal 2.91%
diplomatic 2.78%
sexual 2.65%
high-level 2.35%
informal 1.13%
informal + n. >>共 623
talk 9.96%
meeting 8.85%
discussion 4.73%
summit 2.79%
survey 2.76%
contact 2.44%
poll 1.93%
group 1.90%
agreement 1.76%
gathering 1.36%
每页显示:    共 68