1.   There is, however, one well-known case of a major state attempting to influence attitudes in another by this means.

2.   I suspect also that it influences your attitude towards that person.

3.   Would their sexual fiasco last night influence his attitudes to the company?

4.   Few may take Ignatius literally today, but centuries of Catholic teaching rooted in church fathers like Ignatius still influence attitudes.

5.   One professor is watching prime-time TV for clues to how media representations of family life influence the attitudes of real families.

6.   Since Gingrich personifies the House revolution, dislike for him personally is bound to influence public attitudes toward the GOP agenda.

7.   The changing role of women in the Israeli military seems certain to influence attitudes toward women in Israeli society at large, where the army plays a central role.

8.   --The first occasion when voters nationally allow a result in one state to influence their attitudes is not the Iowa caucuses but the New Hampshire primary.

9.   These same Confucian precepts also influence attitudes toward women in Taiwan, another rich, literate Asian country.

10.   What the Bank of Thailand does over the weekend to restore confidence will influence their attitude.

v. + attitude >>共 350
change 18.53%
have 9.30%
reflect 3.17%
take 2.76%
adopt 2.56%
harden 2.02%
develop 1.95%
see 1.62%
affect 1.42%
like 1.35%
influence 0.88%
influence + n. >>共 744
decision 7.70%
outcome 4.51%
policy 3.76%
election 2.22%
market 2.19%
price 1.85%
voter 1.44%
people 1.35%
behavior 1.28%
way 1.25%
attitude 0.41%
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