1.   Many insects and bacteria induce the formation of galls in different types of plants.

2.   Thereafter, the stomach was perfused with ethanol in saline to induce the formation of gastric erosions.

3.   Because high gold levels induce spore formation in B. cereus, an abundance of B. cereus spores in soil can indicate the presence of gold..

4.   When a tiny bit of tissue was transplanted in an unformed newt embryo, it induced the formation of a second embryo, an embryo within an embryo.

5.   Within a few weeks the bacteria induce the formation of a lens and reflector that modifies the emitted light.

v. + formation >>共 264
announce 18.20%
discuss 5.24%
prevent 4.25%
block 3.96%
encourage 2.37%
allow 1.98%
include 1.48%
inhibit 1.38%
oppose 1.29%
approve 1.29%
induce 0.49%
induce + n. >>共 370
labor 7.31%
abortion 3.92%
sleep 2.84%
feeling 1.76%
change 1.62%
symptom 1.62%
state 1.35%
tolerance 1.22%
rain 1.22%
current 1.08%
formation 0.68%
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