1.   Although the indictment accused him of mishandling nuclear data, the charges did not accuse Lee of spying or of any espionage offenses related to a foreign government.

2.   A second indictment accuses him of making false statements to the Immigration and Naturalization Service in support of a fellow Algerian who sought asylum in America.

3.   But the grand jury indictment accuses Ms. Steele of obstructing justice, asserting that her affidavit was false.

4.   Plus, the indictment accuses the defendants and other unnamed co-conspirators, of trying to cover up their actions.

5.   Specifically, the indictment accused Watt of lying about the extent of his dealings with top HUD officials like Samuel R. Pierce Jr.

6.   That indictment accuses Ms. Valencia of shipping thousands of kilograms of cocaine across the Mexican border, and storing it in stash houses in Southern California.

7.   That indictment did not accuse Cisneros of wrongdoing.

8.   The accusations against Lee led to widespread fears of extensive nuclear spying by the Chinese, though the indictment does not accuse Lee of spying.

9.   The criminal indictment never accused Driggs of causing the collapse of Western Savings.

10.   The dismissed indictment accused Livoti of criminally negligent homicide, the least serious homicide charge under state law.

n. + accuse >>共 475
official 7.02%
government 6.69%
group 5.89%
critic 4.49%
side 4.03%
leader 3.19%
authority 2.69%
opposition 2.18%
rebel 2.17%
party 2.01%
indictment 0.67%
indictment + v. >>共 192
say 19.60%
be 15.71%
charge 8.21%
allege 7.50%
accuse 4.95%
come 4.25%
name 2.19%
follow 2.12%
include 1.27%
make 1.13%
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