1.   Their plans have been put on indefinite hold.

2.   And some developers are simply resuming projects that had been on indefinite hold.

3.   Barak, who told Clinton of the decision on Tuesday night, said he was not cancelling the sale altogether, but rather placing it on indefinite hold.

4.   A Senate version of the bill, which has strong backing from the Bush administration, remained on indefinite hold Wednesday amid wrangling over a separate airline security bill.

5.   But, although he now heads a company that had planned to operate a fleet of such vehicles commercially, such hopes have been put on indefinite hold.

6.   During the holidays, malls get too crowded and catalog phone operators have been known to put callers on indefinite hold.

7.   Millions of dollars in foreign aid have been placed on indefinite hold.

8.   Now these limits are on indefinite hold, and the company can go about its business.

9.   OPEC CUTS HINDER ACCESS Greater American access to Saudi Arabian petroleum has been put on indefinite hold, senior Saudi officials said after a new OPEC agreement was reached.

10.   Some critics go further, saying NASA officials should put the whole station project on indefinite hold.

a. + hold >>共 293
same 10.66%
future 5.90%
true 4.89%
tight 4.52%
firm 3.51%
indefinite 3.39%
strong 3.14%
powerful 2.13%
tenuous 1.38%
on 1.13%
indefinite + n. >>共 118
extension 16.05%
detention 14.77%
period 12.01%
strike 9.25%
curfew 5.42%
suspension 3.93%
hold 2.87%
leave 2.66%
ban 2.34%
stay 1.91%
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