1.   A Benevolent Fund has been established and been able to help an increasing number of members facing hardship.

2.   A parallel trend which has been widely perceived but less well documented is that of increasing numbers of authors per article.

3.   A similar upward trend is evident in potential demand, with the increasing number of smaller households.

4.   An increasing number of architects had, however, begun to explore the distance between poetry and fact.

5.   An increasing number of Australians see the link to the British monarchy as irrelevant.

6.   An increasing number of calls come from people looking for start-up premises for small businesses.

7.   An increasing number of guns have been confiscated in schools recently.

8.   An increasing number of mid-level consultants had learned new skills.

a. + number >>共 430
large 15.21%
growing 8.43%
small 5.19%
increasing 4.65%
record 2.28%
limited 2.08%
total 1.89%
exact 1.89%
unknown 1.88%
unspecified 1.77%
increasing + n. >>共 1215
number 15.27%
pressure 6.72%
demand 2.99%
competition 2.73%
frequency 1.40%
criticism 1.34%
concern 1.31%
amount 1.23%
tension 1.22%
use 1.19%
每页显示:    共 1417