1.   Increased basal serum gastrin is related to both atrophy and H pylori infection but not to ageing perse.

2.   The role of the increased serum gastrin concentration induced by H pylori in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer disease is also unknown.

3.   Increased basal serum gastrin is related to both atrophy and H pylori infection but not to ageing per se.

4.   Increased basal serum gastrin is related to atrophy and to infection with H pylori.

5.   Five patients with active ulcerative colitis also showed increased serum concentrations of sICAM.

6.   Althugh the mechanism by which H pylori infection produces hyperpepsinogenaemia remains unknown, it has been shown before that patients with gastritis have increased serum pepsinogen concentrations.

7.   It is therefore possible that the increased serum pepsinogen concentrations during omeprazole treatment are secondary to the somatostatin deficiency of the fundic mucosa.

a. + serum >>共 59
basal 11.02%
normal 7.09%
increased 7.09%
low 6.30%
total 3.94%
fasting 3.15%
high 3.15%
highest 3.15%
higher 3.15%
mean 2.36%
increased + n. >>共 809
competition 4.95%
demand 4.43%
risk 3.76%
security 2.53%
pressure 1.93%
production 1.91%
cost 1.87%
sale 1.87%
use 1.65%
trade 1.38%
serum 0.07%
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