1.   The vidphone flashed an incoming message.

2.   A few incoming messages are less approving.

3.   A thermal-paper machine prints incoming messages on special paper that tends to curl and has a slick feel.

4.   Addresses can be added manually or by clicking a button to copy the address from an incoming message.

5.   All incoming E-mail messages must go through parents first.

6.   Corporate network servers decode incoming messages and send them to the recipient in plain text.

7.   I can screen calls by hearing the incoming message, which is not possible with voice mail.

8.   In a few days, they would spring to life, displaying status reports or incoming messages on any incidents from Buffalo to Montauk.

9.   Incoming messages are displayed on a small screen on the side of the pen.

10.   Incoming numeric messages will be checked against the Pilot address book.

a. + message >>共 1423
same 4.01%
mixed 3.07%
clear 2.72%
wrong 2.55%
similar 2.33%
strong 2.11%
political 1.96%
recorded 1.71%
electronic 1.66%
coded 1.46%
incoming 0.48%
incoming + n. >>共 351
administration 8.15%
freshman 6.75%
call 6.18%
missile 5.85%
government 4.95%
president 4.10%
flight 4.05%
mail 2.25%
message 1.97%
student 1.80%
每页显示:    共 35