1.   The peace plan includes a mechanism to share power between all four parties.

2.   Both proposals include mechanisms to keep rich teams from spending too much.

3.   But government officials concluded that the offers were riddled with potential loopholes and that they included no mechanisms for enforcement.

4.   But he also said he was disappointed that the Senate version did not include a mechanism for the courts to force lawmakers to balance the budget.

5.   But by not including enforcement mechanisms in their document, the bishops were trusting university officials to enact the norms on their own.

6.   But it does not include any mechanism for reconsideration of the sanctions.

7.   To do so, they said, the law should include mechanisms for stiff accountability in order to adequately serve a public purpose.

8.   Traditionally, cultures included some mechanism for passing on the rules of sexuality and intimate relationships to adolescents.

9.   Ben-Ami also said the conflict must end with the signing of an agreement that includes a mechanism to solve the Palestinian refugee problem.

10.   Discounting Third World fears, Matheson said the cost of including self-destruct mechanisms would be less than one dollar per mine.

v. + mechanism >>共 218
have 7.71%
create 6.20%
set_up 5.92%
provide 5.65%
establish 4.82%
use 3.72%
understand 2.62%
develop 2.48%
discuss 2.48%
include 2.20%
include + n. >>共 1616
one 1.81%
child 1.37%
member 1.09%
woman 0.89%
provision 0.88%
people 0.77%
representative 0.72%
comment 0.70%
information 0.63%
picture 0.54%
mechanism 0.03%
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