1.   Apart from the inferior quality of the recording, other tell tale signs include the lack of an age classification label and no hologram on the back cover.

2.   American soldiers say they have been surprised by many things, including the lack of hostility, especially from the Serbs.

3.   An equal number of biomass plants has been idled or dismantled for a variety of reasons, including a lack of wood for fuel.

4.   And he reiterated his disappointment in aspects of the new constitution, including its lack of provision for joint decision making between the parties.

5.   A number of factors, including lack of interest, may have an effect on younger voters.

6.   A whole family of anti-depressants has emerged that effectively combat depression with few or no side effects, including the lack of potential for addiction.

7.   But problems persisted, including the lack of a certificate and other uncorrected violations.

8.   But there are still daunting obstacles to the use of those drugs on the scale needed, including the lack of adequate health infrastructures to administer complex dosages.

9.   Chandler responded by saying she was up against tremendous obstacles at Northridge, including lack of support, little to offer recruits and poor facilities.

10.   Eleanor Clift, another keynote speaker, said that potential candidates faced many obstacles, including the lack of role models and money.

v. + lack >>共 270
cite 13.59%
blame 6.99%
show 6.25%
include 3.97%
protest 3.72%
lament 3.17%
criticize 2.98%
reflect 2.88%
say 2.53%
bemoan 2.38%
include + n. >>共 1616
one 1.81%
child 1.37%
member 1.09%
woman 0.89%
provision 0.88%
people 0.77%
representative 0.72%
comment 0.70%
information 0.63%
picture 0.54%
lack 0.13%
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