1.   Basic testing will include an assessment of distance vision.

2.   It should include assessment and provide feedback on progress with glycosylated haemoglobin levels.

3.   The duties under the Regulations include assessment of suitable equipment, maintenance information, instruction training and ensuring use of safety equipment.

4.   The purpose of this study was to evaluate the longterm clinical and endoscopical effects of Nissen fundoplication performed for reflux, including assessment of oesophageal function.

5.   Gas Safety, Testing and Purging -- an intensive theory and practical course including competence assessment.

6.   This has included an assessment of the availability of transport fleets South Africa for use in Mozambique and Lesotho, which lack private trucking capacity.

7.   The course also includes assessment of practical work and investigation.

8.   Bush would require states to develop teacher accountability systems, and says they could include assessments based on student performance and subject knowledge.

9.   Hancock said the Perata bill would be a first step by establishing a new water transit authority that would take on detailed planning responsibilities, including environmental assessments.

v. + assessment >>共 243
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include + n. >>共 1616
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