1.   Sharpton has a long history of Jew-baiting and inciting racial hatreds.

2.   Deckert has a previous conviction for slander and inciting racial hatred of Jews by denying the Holocaust.

3.   Leuchter was freed on his own recognizance, and allowed to leave Germany on a promise he would return for trial on charges of slander and inciting racial hatred.

4.   The insurgents have accused Kabila of misrule, corruption and inciting ethnic hatred against the Congolese Tutsi minority.

5.   The insurgents have accused President Laurent Kabila of misrule, corruption and inciting ethnic hatred against the Congolese Tutsi minority.

6.   The rebels accuse Kabila of misrule and inciting ethnic hatred.

7.   Three separate groups representing Holocaust victims, deportees and their families have sued for defamation and inciting racial hatred, a crime in France.

8.   Three separate groups representing Holocaust victims, deportees and their families have sued Garaudy for defamation and inciting racial hatred.

9.   Turkish author Yasar Kemal was convicted of Kurdish separatism and inciting hatred, then moved to Sweden after receiving death threats from Islamic fundamentalists.

10.   Farrakhan, a firebrand black separatist, has been accused of anti-semitism and inciting hatred against whites and Christians.

v. + hatred >>共 199
incite 13.47%
express 5.35%
preach 3.56%
harbor 3.17%
encourage 2.38%
fuel 2.38%
feel 2.18%
promote 1.98%
spread 1.98%
inciting 1.98%
inciting + n. >>共 9
hatred 37.04%
riot 14.81%
violence 14.81%
fan 7.41%
mutiny 7.41%
tension 7.41%
attack 3.70%
strife 3.70%
war 3.70%
每页显示:    共 10