1.   The carcasses were incinerated.

2.   The process, which would include sterilizing and then incinerating the carcasses of infected research rats and rabbits, would take barely an hour, they maintain.

3.   Then the carcasses would be incinerated.

4.   Gill acknowledged Britain lacked the capacity to incinerate cattle carcasses at the rate demanded by the slaughter plan.

5.   Huge pyres burned through the night as authorities incinerated the carcasses of infected and suspect animals.

6.   The carcasses will be incinerated.

7.   They are also asking that the government pay for transporting and incinerating the carcasses.

8.   The newspaper said the government had considered incinerating the carcasses and burying them, but abandoned the idea for environmental reasons.

v. + carcass >>共 129
burn 5.58%
find 4.46%
eat 3.72%
bury 3.35%
incinerate 2.97%
leave 2.60%
destroy 2.23%
take 2.23%
use 1.86%
rot 1.86%
incinerate + n. >>共 54
waste 14.14%
carcass 8.08%
body 7.07%
car 6.06%
material 3.03%
home 3.03%
weapon 3.03%
hundred 2.02%
man 2.02%
ton 2.02%
每页显示:    共 8