1.   Both incidents raise serious questions about whether the benefits of gathering certain kinds of intelligence data are worth the risks.

2.   The incident has raised concerns over safety at the power station.

3.   The incident has raised serious questions about police conduct.

4.   The incident raised concerns about the safety and security of nuclear weapons being transported through Europe.

5.   The incident raises doubts about the safety of nuclear power.

6.   The Nicky Wragg incident raised a number of issues and questions for further exploration.

7.   This incident raises troubling questions.

8.   The incident inevitably raised questions about the feasibility of the SNC convening in Phnom Penh.

9.   As his duties grew to include recruiting, other incidents would raise more questions.

10.   A Western diplomat in Nairobi said the incidents raised questions about the long-term stability of Kenya.

n. + raise >>共 1962
company 3.48%
government 3.20%
official 2.12%
case 2.01%
report 1.77%
bank 1.09%
rate 0.90%
incident 0.90%
group 0.86%
move 0.83%
incident + v. >>共 470
be 23.47%
occur 14.51%
take 5.90%
happen 5.44%
come 3.87%
begin 2.06%
involve 1.64%
lead 1.57%
follow 1.51%
prompt 1.49%
raise 1.10%
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