1.   She could picture her feelings and build bridges between different emotional ideas as a basis for reality testing and impulse control.

2.   And with Internet chat rooms creating even more hype, people with poor impulse control can lose money even faster.

3.   A high percent of these individuals have beon to poor mood regulation and impulse control.

4.   But Bartzokis found changes in the part of the brain where higher reasoning and impulse control are located.

5.   But impulse control is more than simply a matter of will power or training.

6.   But trial evidence showed the SHU environment could induce hallucinations, paranoia, and loss of impulse control and ability to feel emotions, Henderson said.

7.   Individuals with this neurobehavioral profile often have difficulties with impulse control, inhibition of behavior, judgment, and rapid decision making.

8.   Lack of impulse control is another possible manifestation of ADD in teens and adolescents.

9.   Such cases indicate that people may have unsuspected and unpredictable tendencies that can emerge when some component of impulse control is removed, Landis said.

10.   The American Psychiatric Association recognizes pathological gambling as a disease, one of many impulse control disorders listed in its diagnostic manual.

n. + control >>共 839
government 10.75%
price 6.52%
border 6.02%
arm 4.73%
traffic 3.06%
export 2.61%
air 2.46%
pollution 2.31%
cost 2.15%
crowd 2.11%
impulse 0.23%
impulse + n. >>共 25
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purchase 21.11%
control 18.89%
buyer 10.00%
decision 3.33%
bidder 1.11%
chairman 1.11%
charge 1.11%
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