1.   Failing schools are improved and failing management is replaced.

2.   Improving schools with little funding is a tough row to hoe.

3.   The California Public Education Partnership, a coalition of nonpartisan organizations trying to improve schools, commissioned the poll.

4.   The new headteacher has taken on the challenge of improving the school.

5.   Yet, as this chapter demonstrates, school-to-work can contribute to broader efforts to improve schools.

6.   We need to take a more holistic approach to improving our schools.

7.   Improving the schools is a laudable goal.

8.   He proposed the most coherent plan to improve the schools.

9.   Dougald said his was the only party firmly committed to improving schools throughout Britain.

10.   Although that would be a good thing and serve to boost public accountability of education tax dollars and maybe improve their schools, it would remove some local control.

v. + school >>共 860
attend 14.20%
close 7.29%
leave 5.99%
visit 2.93%
build 2.14%
enter 2.08%
start 2.06%
run 1.89%
improve 1.64%
quit 1.41%
improve + n. >>共 696
relation 6.26%
condition 3.79%
quality 3.53%
tie 3.35%
performance 3.28%
service 2.71%
security 2.59%
efficiency 2.55%
life 2.10%
safety 2.08%
school 0.79%
每页显示:    共 125