1.   But last week, Tupac Amaru guerrillas invaded the ambassadorial residence in Lima, seizing hundreds of hostages and demanding the release of their imprisoned comrades.

2.   Government prosecutors said the rebels she supported planned to take Congress hostage and trade the legislators for imprisoned comrades.

3.   Soon other finance ministers and World Bank president James Wolfensohn also rallied around their imprisoned comrade..

4.   The guerrillas, who have threatened to kill their hostages, have demanded the release of their imprisoned comrades.

5.   A communique signed by the Armed Islamic Group demanded on Saturday freedom for the imprisoned comrades, threatening measures in accordance with Islamic law.

6.   A guerrilla, who identified himself as Comandante Mejia Huerta, said the rebels were demanding the release of imprisoned comrades.

7.   Al-Faran unsuccessfully bargained the hostages for the release of imprisoned comrades, but broke off negotiations last November.

8.   But rebel leader Nestor Cerpa reiterated over the weekend that he was demanding freedom for his imprisoned comrades.

9.   But in their radio transmission, the rebels insisted that everything, including the fate of their imprisoned comrades, be open for discussion.

10.   Fujimori had offered the rebel hostage-takers safe passage to asylum in Cuba, but repeatedly ruled out releasing their imprisoned comrades.

a. + comrade >>共 124
jailed 17.51%
former 16.06%
fallen 13.36%
old 5.78%
imprisoned 5.23%
wounded 3.25%
dead 2.71%
injured 1.81%
party 1.81%
lost 1.26%
imprisoned + n. >>共 112
rebel 11.47%
leader 10.87%
member 6.24%
comrade 5.84%
guerrilla 5.23%
dissident 4.02%
militant 3.42%
opposition 3.22%
journalist 2.82%
husband 2.62%
每页显示:    共 29