1.   Over the past year, Haitian officials have struggled to revive an economy that was crippled by U.N. sanctions imposed to force the military from power.

2.   Over the past year, Haitian officials have struggled to revive an economy crippled by U.N. sanctions imposed to force the military from power.

3.   He said it would publicize the suffering in Iraq caused by U.N. sanctions imposed to force the country to destroy its weapons of mass destruction.

4.   In the first place, they were imposed to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait and submit to a grinding disarmament program.

5.   The coup was imposed to force Buyoya to accept the return of political parties and negotiations with Hutu rebels.

6.   The sanctions, which include an air embargo, were imposed to force Gadhafi to turn the men over.

7.   The sanctions, which include an air embargo, were imposed to force Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to turn the men over.

8.   The transport embargo was imposed to force Buyoya to restore parliament, political parties and convene talks.

9.   It was imposed to force the disarmament of separatist rebels they said were sheltering there.

10.   The sanctions were imposed to force Buyoya to open peace talks with the rebels.

v. + force >>共 157
resort 8.81%
sue 6.82%
use 6.25%
say 4.55%
impose 3.13%
court 3.13%
rally 2.84%
be 2.27%
launch 2.27%
do 1.70%
impose + v. >>共 86
prevent 9.95%
follow 6.33%
punish 5.88%
protect 5.43%
force 4.98%
help 4.07%
curb 3.17%
bar 2.26%
halt 2.26%
ensure 2.26%
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