1.   In the past some local authorities used this opportunity to impose conditions binding contractors to council policies.

2.   Police have imposed conditions on public assemblies.

3.   The plaintiff can now impose conditions upon or even revoke the permission it has granted.

4.   We impose conditions on others where the love of Cod would impose no conditions at all.

5.   ...externally imposed conditions.

6.   Japan had imposed conditions preventing the Paris Club from offering multilateral debt forgiveness as for Poland and Egypt.

7.   A second bill would impose further conditions on the organizers of demonstrations, and border controls would be intensified.

8.   And why do you impose these conditions?

9.   The Society may impose conditions on any registration.

10.   Similarly, equalisation of wage rates or attempts to impose common conditions in labour markets through mechanisms such as the Social Charter might also have this same effect.

v. + condition >>共 677
improve 8.79%
meet 7.29%
create 4.16%
set 3.04%
impose 2.81%
describe 2.79%
attach 2.17%
have 1.66%
monitor 1.50%
treat 1.50%
impose + n. >>共 574
sanction 18.02%
restriction 6.67%
curfew 5.58%
ban 4.45%
penalty 3.65%
limit 3.18%
control 2.87%
tax 2.81%
fine 2.50%
rule 2.34%
condition 2.14%
每页显示:    共 192