1.   He offers two important pieces of advice about starting your own business.

2.   I suggest that the usual channels have a strong interest in seeing that they control this important piece of procedure.

3.   Perhaps the most important piece of advice of all is to trust your own instincts.

4.   The most important piece of evidence, the murder weapon, has not been found.

5.   The most important piece of legislation was the Prevention of Fraud Act.

6.   This is not a perfect collection, as too many important pieces of the Bird legacy are missing.

7.   Tires are probably the most important pieces of a car.

8.   ...an important piece of information.

9.   Yes, you could see him thinking, I have damaged a vitally important piece of domestic equipment !

10.   And it is the first important piece of postwar architecture in Chicago to be endangered.

a. + piece >>共 1749
small 6.98%
large 3.31%
new 2.54%
little 2.43%
the 1.97%
chicken 1.92%
tiny 1.69%
first 1.68%
important 1.41%
single 1.29%
important + n. >>共 921
thing 5.53%
role 4.50%
part 3.91%
issue 3.80%
step 2.31%
factor 2.27%
point 1.31%
question 1.28%
source 1.28%
element 1.01%
piece 0.48%
每页显示:    共 112