1.   A consultative group on provision for deaf people and those with impaired hearing has also been established.

2.   Planned participation A person with impaired hearing has to take a lot more strain than people with normal hearing.

3.   With further respiratory tract infections there remains a tendency to impaired hearing, but this is transient.

4.   The blast left him with permanently impaired hearing.

5.   Anyone, not just a person with impaired hearing, might find this useful, when out in the garden, for example.

6.   Impaired hearing is the most common age-associated disability, accounting for just over half of all Americans considered disabled under recent federal definitions.

7.   The devices are used in a number of ways by those with impaired hearing or speech.

8.   The V-chip relies on the same technology already being used to offer closed-caption information to television viewers with impaired hearing.

9.   They also frequently suffer from impaired hearing or vision.

10.   A woman left with impaired hearing and eyesight after a bout with the German measles, Nicholson has focused on social causes that she says the Tories are ignoring.

a. + hearing >>共 498
public 16.64%
congressional 8.94%
preliminary 7.82%
first 4.06%
disciplinary 2.56%
pretrial 2.45%
sentencing 2.43%
new 1.84%
fair 1.78%
brief 1.78%
impaired 0.20%
impaired + n. >>共 110
vision 12.17%
people 7.60%
hearing 4.56%
peristalsis 4.18%
driver 3.42%
function 3.04%
oesophageal 2.28%
child 1.90%
judgment 1.90%
mobility 1.90%
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