1.   This may be a result of impaired gastrointestinal function secondary to poor nutritional status, but the role of achlorhydria in the development of malnutrition has not been investigated.

2.   The high pepsinogen C concentrations in chronic renal failure are obviously due to impaired renal function.

3.   The relevance of impaired function of the external anal sphincter in liquid stool incontinence has been suggested in previous studies and is confirmed by our data.

4.   This measurement may, therefore, be of clinical value in the assessment of a patient with impaired renal function when seen for the first time.

5.   Patients with coronary artery disease, moderately impaired left ventricular function, and inducible VT comprise the largest subgroup of cardiac arrest survivors.

6.   Benzene causes leukemia, respiratory disorders and an assortment of chronic systemic ailments such as impaired renal function and heart disease.

7.   Both groups also tend to experience problems with balance and impaired immune function.

8.   This can lead to malnutrition, muscle wastage and impaired immune function.

a. + function >>共 772
bodily 2.95%
official 2.74%
basic 2.55%
public 2.46%
important 2.28%
social 2.25%
same 1.91%
different 1.82%
normal 1.82%
liver 1.79%
impaired 0.24%
impaired + n. >>共 110
vision 12.17%
people 7.60%
hearing 4.56%
peristalsis 4.18%
driver 3.42%
function 3.04%
oesophageal 2.28%
child 1.90%
judgment 1.90%
mobility 1.90%
每页显示:    共 8