1.   As a consultant specialising in environmental impact assessments and environmental audits I feel that this criticism is rather unfair.

2.   Enviroscope specialises in scoping environmental impact assessments and environmental audits and assisting companies with environmental communications and policy.

3.   I want to consider whether the way in which environmental impact assessments are drawn up at the moment is satisfactory.

4.   Career opportunities in environmental science are expanding, particularly in fields such as water supply, environmental impact assessment, engineering geology and pollution monitoring and control.

5.   The DOE is stressing the need to carry out environmental impact assessments on vulnerable areas.

6.   The European Commission is set to take Britain to the European Court over its failure to carry out environmental impact assessments on three motorway extension projects.

7.   The government also claims that environmental impact assessment already carried out as part of the process of gaining planning permission met EC standards.

8.   Nearly half its projects had a full or partial environmental impact assessment carried out prior to funding.

9.   Meanwhile, NIMCO is planning to start operations before the completion of an environmental impact assessment commissioned by the World Bank.

n. + assessment >>共 198
damage 14.50%
risk 13.30%
impact 6.28%
intelligence 4.33%
threat 4.04%
tax 3.59%
health 2.39%
need 1.94%
government 1.49%
safety 1.35%
impact + n. >>共 195
player 17.03%
study 12.04%
statement 10.71%
report 6.45%
assessment 5.11%
crater 4.01%
site 2.92%
fee 2.80%
area 2.68%
point 1.46%
每页显示:    共 42