1.   After all, he has repeatedly confounded prophets who predicted his imminent political demise.

2.   All that time, Duquette had ignored the reports of his imminent demise, proclaiming confidence that he would be left in charge even after the team changed hands.

3.   But, despite his gaunt appearance and his infrequent travels abroad, many in Syria had wondered if talk of his imminent demise was not exaggerated.

4.   Despite periodic predictions of its imminent demise, ordinary advertising-supported radio has weathered decades of new competitors, from television to compact disks.

5.   Despite his gaunt appearance and his infrequent travels abroad, many in Syria had wondered if talk of his imminent demise was not exaggerated.

6.   Employees of Capital Markets Decisions began hearing from Reuters employees that their company faced imminent demise.

7.   Giovanni Franco Masello sheds no tears over the imminent demise of the Italian lira.

8.   He notes that dire predictions of its imminent demise have come with the territory.

9.   Little wonder that few French seem upset by its imminent demise.

10.   Mainline Protestants, imbued with a spiritual inferiority complex, appeared to be quietly accepting their imminent demise.

a. + demise >>共 91
imminent 14.17%
political 10.00%
untimely 6.25%
early 5.42%
final 3.75%
impending 3.33%
sudden 3.33%
quick 2.50%
ultimate 2.50%
eventual 2.08%
imminent + n. >>共 409
danger 7.40%
attack 4.61%
threat 3.82%
death 2.49%
departure 2.43%
arrival 2.37%
collapse 2.18%
demise 2.06%
return 1.76%
change 1.58%
每页显示:    共 34