1.   As a result, ideological opposites break bread and Juji Fruits in the Oval Office.

2.   Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan and Nader, usually ideological opposites, have already made a joint appearance against GATT and probably will do so again.

3.   Davis and Lungren are ideological opposites, but twin financial foundlings, orphaned on the same doorstep.

4.   He and Sharon, two septuagenarians who are good friends although they are considered ideological opposites, are expected to be the power base of the government.

5.   Hatch is the ideological opposite of Kennedy and a longshot GOP presidential candidate.

6.   Ideological opposites, the two authors have vastly different prescriptions for education.

7.   Minister of Education Yossi Sarid leads the secular Meretz party, which is the ideological opposite of Shas.

8.   On the floor such ideological opposites as Frank and Henry Hyde, Republican of Illinois, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, spoke for the bill.

9.   The irony of using Mrs. Clinton as a character witness, who is a complete ideological opposite to Thomas, is not lost on the GOP aide.

10.   The Pine Street Inn picked Reich as a speaker before Harvard selected his ideological opposite.

a. + opposite >>共 57
exact 30.03%
polar 28.65%
complete 9.09%
very 5.51%
ideological 3.58%
total 2.20%
philosophical 1.65%
perfect 1.38%
direct 1.10%
diametric 1.10%
ideological + n. >>共 615
difference 7.92%
line 3.34%
spectrum 2.16%
battle 1.92%
reason 1.86%
divide 1.73%
division 1.55%
ally 1.48%
ground 1.42%
purity 1.18%
opposite 0.80%
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