1.   Identifying the hazards arising from their use and the precautions to be observed.

2.   It is important to identify hazards systematically.

3.   Having identified the hazards, risk analysis establishes the level of risk in terms of consequences and likelihood.

4.   A bridge-inspection program was put in place as a means of identifying navigational hazards of the sort posed by the old span over Big Bayou Canot.

5.   From his desk, Rios manually checks entries against lists of importers and products to identify potential hazards.

6.   In addition, last October the authority hired Parsons Brinkerhoff, an engineering and consulting firm, to review the signal system and identify potential hazards.

7.   The CD-ROM game is run through a mouse, and the player has to identify potential hazards or take action to prevent accidents.

8.   Whether the inspector is actually identifying serious hazards is another matter.

9.   The new inspection system requires companies to identify potential hazards in slaughterhouses and processing plants and implement controls for foodborne pathogens.

v. + hazard >>共 125
pose 17.61%
create 7.22%
reduce 4.51%
eliminate 4.51%
have 4.29%
avoid 3.84%
present 3.61%
cause 2.93%
identify 2.03%
face 1.81%
identify + n. >>共 874
man 4.78%
victim 4.14%
suspect 4.13%
body 3.55%
source 1.61%
problem 1.41%
area 1.40%
company 1.38%
people 1.37%
dead 1.31%
hazard 0.08%
每页显示:    共 9