1.   But if he seems to be in something approaching hypnotic trance, be very careful of your language.

2.   She went into a deep hypnotic trance.

3.   At the same time, Baren says, the deep relaxation of a hypnotic trance increases the levels of endorphins and enkephalins, natural painkillers the body produces itself.

4.   Deep relaxation is also what leads to the hypnotic trance.

5.   His instrument of deliverance is a primitive device he has invented that uses flashing lights to send spectators into a deep hypnotic trance.

6.   Madelyn Carabello was locked in a hypnotic trance as she dropped coins in a slot machine and watched the reels spin to a stop.

7.   Pathologists, operating in a kind of hypnotic trance, had to be physically pried from the autopsy tables and sent for sleep.

8.   Sunday afternoon, Woods and Augusta National conspired to put the inhabitants of the Masters leaderboard in a hypnotic trance.

9.   The fact is, while in the hypnotic trance, the individual feels very pleasant and free from tension.

10.   Those who do this religiously are called omphalopsychic, from a sect of quietists who induced hypnotic trances by gazing at their navels.

a. + trance >>共 45
hypnotic 20.90%
bad 4.48%
catatonic 4.48%
deep 4.48%
religious 2.99%
poor 2.99%
speechless 2.99%
cryogenic 1.49%
customary 1.49%
demoralized 1.49%
hypnotic + n. >>共 73
effect 11.64%
trance 9.59%
state 8.90%
rhythm 6.16%
power 4.11%
beat 2.05%
drug 2.05%
pull 2.05%
sound 2.05%
spell 2.05%
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