1.   Annan dropped his plan to send the humanitarian workers back, but by that time the United States had to reckon with divided allies and friends.

2.   Bush interrupted a chuckwagon dinner with Putin to respond to the success of U.S. special forces to free the humanitarian workers.

3.   But according to UN humanitarian workers, the man was let go immediately as the police themselves beat their retreat toward Serb territory.

4.   But they continued to lock humanitarian workers and reporters from reaching the Jenin refugee camp.

5.   Combine that disregard with the reluctance of Western governments to launch new peacemaking and peacekeeping initiatives, and you create a very dangerous environment for humanitarian workers.

6.   He was admired by other humanitarian workers for his astuteness, wry humor and coolness in the face of trouble.

7.   I mean, humanitarian workers are moving around.

8.   In general, for the last decade, humanitarian workers have needed to act with extra caution, MacPherson said.

9.   In recent years, the atmosphere for humanitarian workers around the world has changed, he said.

10.   Is the world becoming a more dangerous place for humanitarian workers?

a. + worker >>共 830
foreign 4.63%
postal 3.69%
emergency 2.72%
migrant 2.36%
american 2.36%
state 2.23%
skilled 2.00%
striking 1.81%
palestinian 1.71%
illegal 1.70%
humanitarian 0.96%
humanitarian + n. >>共 344
aid 25.35%
organization 4.12%
assistance 3.92%
group 3.37%
supply 3.13%
ground 2.80%
agency 2.71%
mission 2.67%
crisis 2.51%
worker 2.43%
每页显示:    共 184