1.   If we believe that humans have evolved, we are liable to assume that our subjective experiences are shared by other animals.

2.   Her theory rejects the basic proposition that humans evolved from apes.

3.   Although Saylor said she did not think humans evolved from lower life forms, she wanted her four children to learn about the theory of evolution in school.

4.   Brown believes the idea behind this is that if humans can evolve faster, we may still be able to divert a forthcoming total ecological collapse on Earth.

5.   But humans have evolved to the point that they can breed year-round regardless of the ability of their offspring to survive.

6.   Celtie Johnson said she spent decades believing that humans evolved from lower forms and that species could change into other species over millions of years.

7.   Creationists believe there is genetic variation within a species of animals, but reject the idea that, for example, humans evolved from apes.

8.   Humans also evolved with a prefrontal cortex capable of rationally overriding those extramarital temptations.

9.   Humans evolved genes for golf.

10.   Other scientists figure that humans have evolved beyond the use of pheromones for cues that control behavior.

n. + evolve >>共 736
technology 2.36%
human 1.80%
system 1.68%
relationship 1.62%
life 1.49%
situation 1.24%
style 1.18%
game 1.18%
war 1.18%
company 1.12%
human + v. >>共 425
be 18.87%
have 6.62%
do 3.84%
evolve 1.92%
contract 1.85%
right 1.66%
get 1.52%
come 1.46%
take 1.19%
make 1.19%
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