1.   Another provision would require some passengers to be re-screened when going from a small airport to a connecting flight at a hub airport.

2.   As routes fragment, airlines are flying their passengers directly to cities previously served from large hub airports.

3.   At most hub airports, one or two airlines dominate the competition and control a large majority of the flights.

4.   At the hub airports, at least, the advice should be to expect very tight security.

5.   Besides being cheaper to operate, smaller jets open up more routes among smaller cities, and feed hub airports.

6.   Airlines knit their flights together in a tight network designed to maximize the efficiency of the hub airports.

7.   Business jets have become more popular with corporations in recent years as congestion and hub airports have made it difficult to get to secondary cities.

8.   But no major carrier has a tighter stranglehold on its hub airports than Northwest.

9.   Carty criticized double screenings, prolonged searches of flight crews, bag matching and restricted parking at hub airports as hassles that add little to security.

10.   Continental Airlines has added checkpoints at hub airports in Cleveland, Houston, and Newark, N.J.

n. + airport >>共 108
hub 13.81%
area 11.71%
city 11.41%
military-civilian 3.30%
day 2.70%
destination 2.70%
time 2.70%
reliever 2.40%
charter 1.50%
cargo 1.50%
hub + n. >>共 35
airport 32.86%
city 12.86%
system 7.86%
cap 5.71%
town 3.57%
unit 3.57%
operation 3.57%
computer 2.86%
port 2.86%
station 2.86%
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