1.   As a rule, however, these people do not write how-to books.

2.   As such, they are both a potent marketing tool for CSC and vivid evidence of the role how-to books are now playing in the consulting world.

3.   A few years ago, Santa thought of joining the other top business brains publishing how-to books.

4.   He also bought a batch of how-to books.

5.   How-to books proliferate on the subject.

6.   If any people needed how-to books to put their souls on the straight and narrow, it was my own flawed and searching characters.

7.   Ms. Hennessey added that how-to books have evolved into books that are part catalogue, part how-to, which have a wider appeal.

8.   The most-used books in my collection are references, rather than how-to books.

9.   WITH WEDDINGBOOKS - List of how-to books.

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