1.   Also, an oil-based semitransparent house stain is an alternative to concrete stain.

2.   A house stain on concrete, a use for which it is not designed?

3.   If you have ever spilled a semitransparent house stain on concrete, you know it never comes off.

4.   If you cannot find it, try a semitransparent house stain.

5.   If you have ever spilled a semitransparent house stain on concrete, you know this is true because indoors it never seems to come off.

6.   If you want a color on the floor, use a semitransparent house stain.

7.   If you want a color, use a semitransparent house stain in the color of your choice.

8.   Or instead of the stain and varnish, apply an oil-based semitransparent house stain.

9.   Or, better yet, because it will last three to five years, coat it with one coat of a semitransparent oil-based house stain.

10.   Whatever stain you plan to use, be sure it is a semitransparent house stain, which will not peel and will last for three to five years.

n. + stain >>共 89
blood 21.78%
color 10.50%
water 7.87%
oil 7.35%
grass 5.25%
semen 5.25%
house 3.15%
ink 2.36%
deck 2.10%
solid-color 2.10%
house + n. >>共 737
fire 4.69%
price 3.35%
guest 2.94%
paint 1.79%
search 1.68%
demolition 1.68%
plant 1.60%
owner 1.49%
speaker 1.45%
key 1.41%
stain 0.45%
每页显示:    共 12