1.   Improving customer service is complex and fundamental to all sectors of the hospitality industry.

2.   Introduction to management in the hospitality industry by Thomas F Powers.

3.   The hospitality industry has been particularly interested in providing an easier and more cost-effective way to be accessible to traveling customers.

4.   The third or professional year is spent on placement in selected sectors of the hospitality industry.

5.   Municipal governments, motel operators and others in the hospitality industry hope to see more and more bird watchers.

6.   The Technical Advisory Group gives advice and guidance on technical matters which affect the hospitality industry.

7.   A Department of Trade and Industry Committee met to consider the implications of the service charge in the hospitality industry.

8.   We, therefore, have an excellent way of researching any subject within the hospitality industry.

n. + industry >>共 483
tobacco 5.90%
oil 3.86%
auto 3.65%
computer 3.19%
airline 2.84%
entertainment 2.78%
construction 2.45%
service 2.36%
music 2.18%
telecommunication 2.15%
hospitality 0.32%
hospitality + n. >>共 71
industry 26.01%
suite 15.75%
tent 10.62%
center 4.03%
area 2.56%
management 2.56%
room 2.56%
business 2.20%
worker 1.83%
company 1.47%
每页显示:    共 71