1.   A leader with a rating of nine on the horizontal axis has a maximum concern for production.

2.   As they use much thinner weft than warp strands, more knots are tied on the vertical than the horizontal axis.

3.   Concern for production is illustrated on the horizontal axis.

4.   However, as the frequency was only doubled in the horizontal axis the benefits were lost if you printed landscape format text!

5.   The horizontal axis has the most frequently preserved part of the bone, namely the distal humerus and proximal femur.

6.   This figure can be redrawn with the maturity on the horizontal axis to show the negative relationship between volatility and maturity.

7.   Time is graphed along the horizontal axis.

8.   The horizontal axis is now calibrated in units of beta rather than the standard deviation of expected returns.

a. + axis >>共 58
vertical 20.12%
horizontal 17.75%
central 7.69%
franco-german 5.92%
main 4.14%
long 3.55%
new 2.37%
single 2.37%
same 1.78%
adrenal 1.18%
horizontal + n. >>共 274
line 7.54%
stabilizer 6.15%
stripe 5.17%
axis 4.19%
bar 4.05%
position 3.49%
band 2.65%
plane 2.09%
surface 1.54%
row 1.40%
每页显示:    共 30