1.   People waved Croatian checkerboard flags, honked horns and cheered.

2.   Celebrants honked horns, waved Albanian and U.S. flags, and fired weapons into the air.

3.   Earlier, Israeli troops moved out of a police station in town, loading furniture onto trucks as hundreds of elated Palestinians danced in the streets and honked horns.

4.   Earlier Wednesday, fans flooded the main square of the capital, while drivers in cars bedecked with national flags honked horns.

5.   In Slovenia fans flooded the main square of the capital, Ljubljana, early Wednesday, while drivers in cars bedecked with national flags honked horns.

6.   In Pristina, raucous Albanian revelers honked horns, beat drums fired weapons into the air.

7.   Soldiers in tanks and jeeps honked horns, waved brigade banners and kissed the soil of their homeland.

a. + horn >>共 197
honking 7.77%
final 6.97%
plastic 3.75%
blaring 2.68%
french 2.41%
hunting 2.14%
honked 1.88%
locking 1.88%
animal 1.88%
long 1.61%
honked + n. >>共 2
horn 77.78%
car 22.22%
每页显示:    共 7