1.   Ellis said such homemade concoctions make the drug even more dangerous because of wide variations in its concentration and purity.

2.   It is a homemade concoction for rubbing onto injuries, he explains.

3.   Q. You wrote recently about a homemade concoction for getting rid of hair, grease, and other gunk from a sink and shower drain.

4.   Filipinos have generally relied on traditional balms, herbs, homemade concoctions and Chinese traditional medicine to deal with impotence.

a. + concoction >>共 162
herbal 4.31%
alcoholic 2.39%
homemade 1.91%
exotic 1.44%
frozen 1.44%
bizarre 1.44%
lethal 1.44%
potent 1.44%
powerful 1.44%
rich 1.44%
homemade + n. >>共 507
bomb 19.70%
grenade 3.01%
explosive 2.96%
device 2.57%
weapon 2.12%
mortar 1.90%
gun 1.73%
bread 1.67%
sign 1.51%
cookie 1.40%
concoction 0.22%
每页显示:    共 4